How can the community have a say in the development of the Jolly Boatman site at Hampton Court
1 Vote
Post Office scandal – pay compensation now
Post Office workers wrongly accused of fraud and sent to jail - they deserve compensation - Now!
1 Vote
Who are you going to vote for in the upcoming UK general Election?
The UK will soon be heading to the Polls in a decisive General Election in late 2024. Who will you be voting for? Add your comments below about what's important to you in the parties election pledges and manifestos.
0 Votes
Should assisted dying be debated by the House of Commons?
Campaigners for assisted dying say a change in the law would give people with terminal illnesses or who are suffering greater control over how and when they die. But opponents argue a change in the law would threaten vulnerable people. What's your view do you think we should ask our Parliament to debate the pros and cons of assisted dying in the UK?
3 Votes