Is Scotland’s new “Hate Crime and Public Order Act” good or bad for democracy?


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Is the act helping, do you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing – vote yes for good, no for bad!
The legislative groundwork for the Hate Crime and Public Order Act was laid through rigorous debates, public consultations, and a thorough legislative process.
The Act’s passage was not without controversy, as it sought to tread the fine line between protecting individuals from hate crimes and preserving freedom of speech.


1462 Votes

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1441 Votes (98.56%)

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Comments (201)


Colin Carroll

6 months ago

1 Like
Appalling legislation that will be used to stifle ALL free speech if not repealed

George Barr

6 months ago

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We are meant to be living in a society with freedom of speech, this is an attempt to stop the freedom of speech

Rick Parcell

6 months ago

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Just when you think the SNP/Greens can’t get any more ludicrous…..yep, they do just that!

Catherine Mcmillan

6 months ago

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Most ludicrous bill ever .its our hunan right to have a voice of opinion from others ,

Vernon Williamson

6 months ago

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Very bad legislation

John Brown

6 months ago

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Banning books was a start. Now curtailing of free speech even in your own home, and I see today they want us to stop using the words sister, mother, father and the term foreign aid. Apparently it offends some people. SNP? Never again.

clement proudlock

6 months ago

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disgusting abuse of free speech we are not in China we are supposed to be in a democracy our MP,s seem to have forgot that.

David Puncher

6 months ago

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This will create more hate !!!!!

May Brown

6 months ago

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It’s a piece of utter garbage dreamed up by the party I was once so proud to be a part of. They’re ruining our country.

Paul Jenkins

6 months ago

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This bill is definitely curbing a person's right to free speech.

leslie Grosvenor

6 months ago

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The problem at Holyrood is that the ruling party is wedded to panacea solutions, does not think through legislation, and persistently fails to take notice of those who point out shortcomings.

Dennis Bell

6 months ago

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Same thing happened before the second world war.
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