Scotland introduce new “Hate Crime and Public Order Act”

  • Staff Writer


BREAKINGHate Crime and Public Order Act – April 1st 2024 this is not a joke!


On April 1st, an ostensibly ordinary day marked by April Fool’s jokes and light-hearted pranks, the Scottish Government made a significant legislative move by enacting the Hate Crime and Public Order Act. This decision, far from being a mere jest, signifies a pivotal moment in Scotland’s legal and social landscape. The Act, which aims to expand the scope of hate crime legislation, has stirred a considerable mix of anticipation, skepticism, and outright criticism. Its implementation, initially set three years prior, encountered delays, primarily due to concerns over its practical enforcement and the broader implications for civil liberties. This piece aims to dissect the complexities of the legislation, its objectives, the controversies it has sparked, and its potential impact on Scottish society.

Historical Context and Legislative Background

Scotland’s journey towards the Hate Crime and Public Order Act can be traced back to a longstanding acknowledgment of the need to address hate crimes effectively. Historically, Scotland recognized “stirring up racial hatred” as a punishable offense, reflecting a commitment to combating racism. However, the evolving societal understanding of hate crimes—motivated by bigotry against various protected characteristics like religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, and transgender identity—necessitated a broader legislative framework.

The legislative groundwork for the Hate Crime and Public Order Act was laid through rigorous debates, public consultations, and a thorough legislative process. The Act’s passage was not without controversy, as it sought to tread the fine line between protecting individuals from hate crimes and preserving freedom of speech. Critics and proponents alike engaged in a vigorous dialogue, underscoring the Act’s potential ramifications on public discourse and privacy.

Overview of the Hate Crime and Public Order Act

At the heart of the Hate Crime and Public Order Act is the extension of offenses related to “stirring up hatred.” Previously limited to racial hatred, the Act now encompasses hatred based on religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, and transgender identity. The legislation defines actionable offenses as “threatening or abusive” behaviour intended to stir up hatred against any of the protected groups.

A particularly contentious aspect of the Act is its applicability to private conversations, raising concerns about the intrusion into personal life and freedom of expression. The Scottish Government, however, has emphasized the high threshold for prosecution, asserting that the Act targets only the most egregious forms of hate speech.

Implementation Concerns and Delays

The journey from the passage to the implementation of the Hate Crime and Public Order Act was marked by significant delays, a testament to the complexities and sensitivities involved in enforcing such comprehensive legislation. Central to the delay were concerns about how law enforcement would interpret and manage the Act’s provisions. The ambiguities inherent in terms like “threatening or abusive” behaviour and the subjective nature of “stirring up hatred” posed challenges to straightforward enforcement, prompting fears of arbitrary application and potential overreach.

The Scottish Government took these concerns seriously, engaging in extensive dialogues with law enforcement agencies, legal experts, and civil society to clarify the Act’s parameters and ensure that its enforcement would be both fair and effective. Training programs were developed for police officers, aimed at sensitizing them to the delicate balance between combating hate speech and safeguarding freedom of expression.

Criticisms and Counterarguments

Despite the government’s assurances, the Hate Crime and Public Order Act has not been without its detractors. Critics argue that the Act poses a threat to freedom of speech, fearing that the broad and somewhat nebulous definitions could chill legitimate, if controversial, public discourse. There are concerns that the Act could be used to police private conversations, infringing on the sanctity of personal expression within one’s own home.

Others worry about the law’s potential for misuse, with the threshold for what constitutes “stirring up hatred” being subject to interpretation. Could a heated debate or a poorly worded comment inadvertently run afoul of the law? These questions underline the anxieties surrounding the Act’s real-world application.

In response, proponents of the Act, including Humza Yousaf, the Scottish First Minister at the time of its passage, have emphasized the safeguards built into the legislation. The Act requires that the behaviour in question be both intentional and capable of “actually” stirring up hatred, a legal bar that is indeed high and designed to prevent frivolous or unjust prosecutions. Furthermore, the Act’s supporters argue that it represents a necessary evolution in the legal system’s approach to protecting vulnerable communities from hate speech and harassment.

Comparative Analysis

Looking beyond Scotland’s borders, similar legislation exists in various forms around the world, each tailored to the specific legal and cultural context of its jurisdiction. A comparative analysis reveals a spectrum of approaches to balancing the protection against hate speech with the preservation of free speech. Some countries have adopted more restrictive measures, while others prioritize a broader interpretation of free speech, even at the risk of allowing potentially harmful rhetoric.

Scotland’s Hate Crime and Public Order Act sits within this global context as a part of a broader trend towards recognizing and legislating against the nuanced forms of hate speech that modern societies face. By comparing Scotland’s approach with those of other nations, one can appreciate the challenges and complexities involved in crafting laws that navigate the fine line between protection from harm and the preservation of individual liberties.

Potential Effects and Societal Implications

The implications of the Hate Crime and Public Order Act extend far beyond the legal realm, touching upon the very fabric of Scottish society. By explicitly recognizing and addressing hatred against a broader range of protected characteristics, the Act sends a clear message about the values and priorities of contemporary Scotland. It acknowledges the diverse makeup of Scottish society and the importance of protecting all its members from hate-driven harm.

However, the Act also raises important questions about the nature of public discourse, the limits of acceptable speech, and the role of the state in regulating interactions among citizens. As Scotland navigates the implementation of this landmark legislation, the responses from the public, legal experts, and civil society will undoubtedly shape the evolving landscape of freedom, protection, and mutual respect in Scottish society.


The Hate Crime and Public Order Act represents a significant milestone in Scotland’s legal and social history, reflecting a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature of hate crimes. While its implementation has raised legitimate concerns about freedom of speech and the potential for misuse, the Act also embodies a commitment to creating a more inclusive and respectful society. As Scotland moves forward with this legislation, the ongoing dialogue between its supporters and critics will continue to refine and define the boundaries of hate speech and freedom of expression in a modern, diverse Scotland.

Do you think the new law will benefit or ultimately harm Scottish society – click here to view the poll and vote now!